And these guys are a week old:

The new guys are Blue Andalusians and will grow up to look like this:

Except for that yellow one. I think there was a mix up at the chicken factory. I have named him "Dinner" because that is what he is going to be when he grows up :)
I'm jealous of your Blue Andalusians, I love the coloring. How do they do with the others? Hopefully Darnell will allow me to get some Blue Polish...
Not so well. The cold weather forced, how shall we say, some confinement of the chooks in the hen house. The smaller birds did not fare so well. The RI Reds dispatched my Andalusians and the Hamburgs over the course of a couple of weeks.
Lesson learned: even though the birds were less than 6 weeks different in age, the RI hens will not tolerate the competition.
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